Dulono’s Sports Bar and Tantrum nightclub are closed following an eviction from their Warehouse District building over unpaid rent and utilities.

Dulono’s was ordered to vacate 118 Fourth St. N in December after the business failed to pay nearly $76,000 owed to its landlord, Marquee Properties, the Minneapolis St. Paul Business Journal reported on Tuesday.

This likely marks the end of Dulono’s, which had been in business since 1957. Dulono’s had a restaurant on Lake Street in Uptown for 60 years and expanded to downtown’s Warehouse District in 2017. A lease transfer for Duolono’s space at 118 Fourth St. N indicates an ownership change in late 2021.

Dulono's was at risk of losing its liquor license over unpaid taxes in early 2024, but the business was ultimately able to prevent the revocation by paying what it owed or setting up a payment plan, according to Minneapolis' business licensing department.

Tantum operated inside Dulono’s and faced eviction alongside the pizza restaurant.

Three people were injured in a late-night shooting at Tantrum in November.