Three neighborhood organizations recently merged to form a new nonprofit serving a wide swath of Minneapolis’ east side.

The East Bank Neighborhoods Partnership now represents the Nicollet Island-East Bank, Marcy-Holmes, and Como neighborhoods. Its formation was the result of an 18-month study that determined a merger would remedy organizational and financial challenges within the separate associations.

The merger paved the way for a consolidation of resources, reduced costs, and enhanced stability amid anticipated budget shortfalls, according to Chris Lautenschlager, executive director of EBNP.

Board members realized they “couldn't completely rely on City support to keep these organizations operating efficiently, or just operating at all,” Lautenschlager told an Downtown Voices. He has served as the executive director of all three organizations, most recently the Marcy-Holmes Neighborhood Association.

Just in the past week, EBNP received seven grants totaling $75,000 to support community-building initiatives, Lautenschlager said.

Image courtesy of the East Bank Neighborhoods Partnership

Boards of the Nicollet-Island East Bank Neighborhood Association, Marcy-Holmes Neighborhood Association, and Southeast Como Improvement Association approved a merger plan during their respective August meetings.

Homeowners, renters and business owners throughout the three neighborhoods were then given 72 hours to vote through an online poll in September and October. A majority of respondents in each neighborhood voted in favor of the merger.

The merger was certified by the Minnesota Secretary of State in November.

A 15-person board for EBNP meets on the second Tuesday of each month. Each of the neighborhoods has three representatives on the board. The six other board members were elected from the merged area at large.

Bylaws require EBNP to host quarterly membership meetings for the neighborhoods' residents and businesses, but they could happen more regularly, especially as the group gets off the ground.

The first post-merger membership meeting is scheduled for March 18 starting at 6:30 p.m. at University Lutheran Church of Hope, 601 13th Ave. SE. Items on the meeting agenda include Dinkytown safety improvements, new murals for Van Cleve Park, Earth Day activities, and a bike tour for the citywide Neighborhood Day on May 3.